A very happy feast day of Mary Mother of Divine Love to each of you.
May our Mother lead us deeper into God’s infinite love this day.
Congratulations to Cyril Ingosi and Dedan Munyinyi who made Perpetual Consecration in Gallapo on September 8th.
Congratulations to Brendan McCarrick, Jaimie Twohig, Liam O’Donovan and Charles Lafferty will will make Perpetual Consecration today September 12th in Thurles.
Congratulations to Christopher Burke and Marcellus Okoth Ochola who will make First Consecration today, Christopher in Thurles and Marcellus in Ngong Road, Nairobi.
Congratulations to John Regan who will renew his Consecration today in Thurles; to Stephen Lwebuga, Norbert Mukabwa, Stephen Muli and David Kakinda who will renew their Consecration today in Nairobi.
Today we also celebrate the perseverance and fidelity of our confreres who this year celebrate significant milestones in their Consecrated Life:
Patrick Dwyer, 60 years since First Consecration;
Seamus Freeman and Philip Barry, 50 years;
Eamonn Monson, John O’Brien and Tom Daly, 40 years;
Joe McLoughlin, 30 years;
John Karanja and Eugue Kubasu, 20 years.
As we celebrate this day with gratitude let us commit ourselves with renewed fervour for the ministry the Lord is entrusting to us and to our Society.
God bless