Greetings to you all on this the feast of our Province. May you all be blessed today and celebrate with Mary our Mother. United with you in prayer and in the celebration of Mass today.
Fr. Derry Murphy SAC, Provincial Rector
A Prayer to Mary Mother of Divine Love
O beautiful Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, O Mother of Divine Love, we turn to you in confidence that you will obtain for us the grace we are in need of. We know that you will never turn us away, you who have been worthily greeted by an angel with the words “Hail, full of grace!”
Yes, O Mother, You are truly full grace, for your heavenly spouse, the Holy Spirit, with his Divine Love, has designed to come upon you the moment you took form in your mother’s womb, thus preserving you from the stain of sin and keeping you ever immaculate; again he came down upon you at the time of the annunciation, rendering you the mother of Jesus, at the same time keeping you ever virgin. He came down upon you at Pentecost, filling you with his seven gifts, and making you the fount and dispenser of all heavenly blessings.
Therefore, O gracious Mother of Divine Love, listen to our prayers. THANK YOU DEAR MOTHER!
Grant peace and prosperity to our community, to our country and to the whole world, protect our Holy Father Pope Francis, bring into perfect unity all Christians according to the desire of your divine Son, illumine with the light of the Gospel all who have not yet come to the true faith; convert poor sinners; give us too a sincere contrition for our sins; render us always strong enough to say “no” when temptations assail us; lead us along the path of fraternal love and charity; and, finally, when God would beckon us, open to us the portals of heaven. You who see us mourning and weeping in this world, come to our aid when we are weighed down by the load of our suffering; give us strength to accept the inevitable difficulties and trials of life; grant, O Mother of Grace, health in mind and body to all who turn to you.
Comfort, O Virgin Mary, and bring all souls to your Son Jesus.
Cast your maternal gaze on us and on our Province, keep it ever in your sweet protection; grant that we, your beloved children, will always render you praise with our lives; keep ever burning in us the flame of Divine Love so that we will let ourselves be entirely consumed by it here in this life and for ever in heaven. Amen.