We are saddened to announce that our confrere Father Mariano Pinasco SAC died in hospital in Argentina today July 15th at the age of 59 years. May his good soul rest in Peace. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Mariano was born in Buenos Aires on December 11th 1962, Professed on February 23rd 1986 and Ordained Priest on June 15th 1990.
Mariano’s funeral will start today July 16th at 1 pm in St Patrick’s, Belgrano. Mass is at 4 pm. Burial will be on Sunday July 17th in Mercedes at 9am. All times are local Argentine times.
Querido Mariano,no me voy a cansar de agradecerle a Dios el regalo de tu Amistad.Gracias infinitas por tu Vida y confio en que desde ese hermoso lugar que Dios prepara para los Buenos de corazon, nos sigas guiando y acompaniando siempre.