We enter now into the Easter Triduum- with the Liturgies for Holy Thursday- Good Friday- the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.
In the quiet of lockdown 2020 I finally found time to read Pope Benedict XVI’s book: Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance Into Jerusalem To The Resurrection.
The French spiritual writer Pierre de Berulle (1575-1629) writes of three Nativities. There is obviously the birth of Christ in the womb of the Father, the second is at the Annunciation in the womb of Mary and the third is His birth in the tomb.
Many are unaware of this writer, considered the Founder of the French School of Spirituality in the early 17th century. This year I am taken by the question of who am I/ or the Church unaware of at this time?
Pallotti writes that:
“Silence disposes us to prayer
And prayer and silence
Lead us to intimate union with God.”
In prayer I remember certain people, groups, intentions daily but at times I ask myself who am I excluding from ‘my’ prayers. Why am I excluding them? Is it because I am not aware of them? Is it because I have become focussed in on certain pre-set people etc
Jesus & Mary figure prominently in Holy Week and others also such as Martha and Simon of Cyrene, who both helped Jesus but with completely contrasting motives- one willingly and courageously; the other forced to assist, begrudgingly.
The crying women of Jerusalem at the 8th Station: it is easy to pray for all mothers who weep for their children at this point. But we cannot forget their fathers who also ‘weep’ for their children.
Where is God the Father in Easter? Do I omit Him?
Hopefully I can find some silent time during this Easter Triduum to become more aware of all the others who Jesus dies and rises to life for.
Liam McClarey SAC, Provincial