Tuesday May 5th
Goodmorning to you all,
As you know Michael Clarke died peacefully at home on 23rd April. RIP.He is now lying in repose at the home of his sister Anne Cassidy and her husband John in Greenock.Eamonn Monson travelled up from Hastings and will celebrate the funeral Mass for Michael tomorrow Wednesday 6th May at midday, the Mass will be celebrated in the house with just a very few family members present in accordance with the restrictions in place due to Covid-19.Michael will be buried with his late parents Herbert and Nancy in the local cemetery on Wednesday afternoon.
Let us join with Eamonn and Michael’s family in prayer tomorrow and please remember the obligation to celebrate at least one Mass for the repose of the soul of our deceased confrere.
God bless

Fr. Michael Clarke of our Province died a short time ago today April 23rd.. May his good and faithful soul rest in the eternal presence of our God. Michael’s sister Anne and her husband John, and his sister Josephine were with him when he died, they had all watched the Mass on television as they did with Michael every day and at the end of Mass, as the final hymn was being played he died peacefully. RIP.
Michael was born in Greenock, Scotland, on 30th September 1948; he made his First Consecration on 12th September 1972; and, was ordained on 19th June 1976.
Michael was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis just a few months before he was ordained in 1976 and the disease incapacitated him gradually; for many years now he was confined to bed and was lovingly cared for by his devoted family and carers.
Please celebrate Mass for Michael and remember his sisters and his extended family in your prayers and Mass intentions in these coming days.
God bless