A Candle for the Addicted (Prayer for Healing)

Jesus Divine Mercy, from the depths of our hearts we ask you please to heal us and our loved ones of our addiction.

Transform craving into
a desire for the fullness of life;
despair into hope; 
shame into honour and self-respect; guilt into mercy and self-forgiveness.

Heal our memory of hurt,
help us to let go of the past and
look forward with confidence one step at a time.

Lift us up and hold us close to your Heart in Peace and tender Love,
that Love that overcomes all.

May the light of our candle be

warmth in the cold,
light in the darkness and
the sign of a new dawn.

We make this prayer in faith, for nothing is impossible for You. Amen.

St. Maximilian Kolbe pray for us

St. Padre Alberto Hurtado pray for us

Venerable Matt Talbot pray for us

(Eamonn Monson SAC)