Our Provincial Father Liam writes,
“I hope this finds you well. Certainly, as a Province we all face different realities on a daily basis. This year the Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted on all our lives. Ireland stops public Masses after Christmas Day; where we are in England and in the United States sees increasing numbers and restrictions. Rome too is again wary. Argentina and East Africa continue to have public Masses. I know that Ireland and England are putting on several extra Masses on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to assist with numbers permitted. Christmas is a time for many Christians ‘to re-engage with Christian faith’ and it is good that the parishes are facilitating this where we cannot have full Churches this year. It is important that we too find time for Christ in our busyness. I quote from our Pallottine Daily Prayer Book- Vigil Prayers –
Lord Jesus Christ, Divine Word, you became human and lived among us.
You took our nature that we might share your Divinity.
You became our brother and we became children of God.
L> The Lord has made known, alleluia
R> His salvation, alleluia.
Almighty God, in a wonderful manner you created us in our human dignity, and in an even more wonderful manner you redeemed us. Give us a share in the Divine Life of your Son who took upon himself our human nature. He lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
May Mary, Mother of Divine Love, our Patroness intercede for us and those we meet in our apostolates this Christmas season,
God Bless,
Father Liam McClarey SAC“
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Brother Joseph Futton and we pray especially for all our retired Pallottines in gratitude for their years of service and for the gift of their presence within our communities right now. God’s blessing on all our elderly family and friends, those who are alone at this time. Emmanuel, God is with us!
Provincial Rector
Mother Of Divine Love Province