Wishing you a very happy and blessed feast day of St Vincent Pallotti. Attached is an excerpt from his spiritual diary of 1816 in which he expresses his desire for the Infinite and to do infinitely more in the apostolate.
United in our celebration of the feast day Mass.

St Vincent wrote in his spiritual diary in 1816 the following, expressing his great desire for God and to work with and for God in serving others.
“I would like to be perpetually in the hospitals, in the prisons, to be in all those places on earth where I could help the wretchedness of the poor, the illnesses of the sick, where I could teach those who do not know the true science of holiness… so that all people of whatever class could know, love and serve God, my Father, my Goodness, my All, and thus I would like there to be infinitely infinite numbers of workers for the Triune God. All of this I would want only to be seen by God, and since it is impossible that I could do all this I offer to the Lord our Heavenly Father, the merits and and prayers of all creatures and especially of Jesus, the beloved spouse of my soul, and of Mary my most beloved Immaculate Mother. I desire all this so that at least in part I might exercise charity towards my neighbour and brothers and sisters and love God, I say ‘in part’ because I would like to (do) more, more, always more, while ‘I can do all things in him who strengthens me’ (Philippians 4,13), (this means) –
I would like to become food to feed the hungry,
clothing to cover the naked,
drink to quench the thirst of the thirsty,
a soothing potion for the stomachs of the weak,
a soft bed for the repose of the tired limbs of the weary,
medicine and health for the sick,
light for the blind in spirit or in body,
life to raise the dead,
those who are dead to the grace of God,
or to earthly life,
so that if they could return to live on this earth they might do great things,
which they would certainly do for the glory of my God,
of my Father,
of my Creator,
of my Good,
of my All.”
OOCC X 114-5