Feast of St Vincent Pallotti, January 22nd 2019.
Let us pray with St Vincent who prayed this prayer in 1838:
“Eternal Father in your infinite mercy and through the infinite merits of your Son Jesus, make yourself known and loved by all souls because you wish that all may be saved.
Eternal Word, incarnate redeemer of humanity, convert all souls to you because you have been obedient even to death on the Cross for them.
Holy Divine Spirit, through the merits of the passion and death of Jesus Christ, spread your most ardent and omnipotent love in all hearts and so there will be one flock and one Shepherd in the entire world and all persons may come to sing your divine mercies for all eternity in heaven.
Mary Queen of Apostles and all the angels and saints pray the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into his harvest and spare your people, so that all may be with Him, and with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, rejoicing for all time. Amen.”
OOCCIV, p. 43-3.