St. Vincent Pallotti speaks about being “immersed in an immense sea of Divine Mercy.” One of the words the Bible uses to define Mercy is rechem which is a Mother’s womb, indicating that God’s instinct is like that of a Mother for the child in her womb, though God’s instinct is of course infinitely greater and all perfect.
Hesed also expresses the tender, faithful, loving mercy of God, which is described as the feeling a Mother has when she leans over her baby to feed him or her.
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the child of her womb? Even if these forget, yet I will not forget you.” (Isaiah 49:15) Pope St. John Paul II uses this phrase in a meditation on how Jesus experiences the Fatherhood of God. The Pope says that the Fatherhood of God is often expressed in terms of Motherhood in some of the prophecies of the Old Testament. “As one whom his Mother comforts, so will I comfort you.” (Isaiah 66:13) and our attitude in the presence of God is to be “as a child at rest in its mother’s arms” (Psalm 130) – a soul content and at peace.
Today we thank God for all our Mother’s who chose to bring us to birth in this world, for this great act of love in the image of the love of Christ who brought us to new birth in the labour of the Cross.
To all Mother’s we wish you a very happy Mother’s day, with abundant blessings. Thank you doesn’t say it but we pray your children will express with their hearts and deeds what cannot be put into words.
A Prayer for Mums by Summer age 8
Dear Mary, thank you for Jesus. Please keep mums safe and if they are hurt please look after them till they are better. Amen