Pallottine Cemetery Sunday 2020

Blessing of the graves in Cabra

Today September 13th we celebrate our annual Pallottine Cemetery Sunday. Due to Covid-19 our Mass will be live-streamed from St. Anne’s Church, Shankill at 3.00pm. Please join us as we remember our deceased Pallottines. This year we will pray especially for our confreres who have died since our last Cemetery Sunday Mass: Fr. Michael Cremin who died in Wyandotte, Detroit on September 18th; Fr. Edmond (Ned) O’Brien who died in Cashel on December 11th; Fr. Hernan Ustariz who died in Castelar, Argentina on March 3rd; Fr. Michael Clarke who died in Greenock, Scotland on April 23rd and Fr. Victor Sanka who died in Bashnet, Tanzania on August 22nd. May they rest in peace.

Please click on the link below to watch Cemetery Sunday Mass Live from St. Anne’s Church, Shankill, Co. Dublin