Pallottine SAC General Assembly

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Concluding Mass at the General Assembly

October 3rd Election of General Consultors

Father Liam McClarey celebrating Mass on October 3rd
Representing the Irish Province of the Mother of Divine Love are Provincial Liam McClarey (right) and Derry Murphy (centre). On the left is John Onna Regional Rector of East Africa



O God, infinite Love, St Vincent Pallotti, moved by your boundless love, gave himself completely so that throughout the world faith and charity would grow, look kindly on our Pallottine family as the Society of the Catholic Apostolate prepares for the XXII General Assembly in unity of heart and purpose.

In these times of great difficulty and of abundant opportunity for the apostolate, while our Society is living the difficulty of new situations, strengthen our faith in Christ, Apostle of the Eternal Father and the one and only universal Saviour. Send the light of the Holy Spirit to help us in our weakness and make us docile to Your inspirations, so that we may discern the true from the false and do Your will in all things.

Teach us to extend our arms to all those for whom the Society, moved by compassion, fulfils its mission to revive faith and rekindle charity and to respond courageously to the challenges of the new times.

Lord, in your Providence you guided St. Vincent Pallotti to found the Society and the Union of Catholic Apostolate. We ask you to enrich them now with the gifts of the heart, of the mind and of the spirit. Make us all one in You in holiness and in love, so that we may understand Your will and be able to follow it with constancy and faith.

We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, of our Holy Founder St. Vincent Pallotti, of our Blessed Martyrs and of Blessed Elisabetta Sanna, who already contemplate Your face. AMEN.